Mar 31, 2009

Tip Tuesday

Although my kids are now 5, we learned a few things to make life easier from when they were little. So these tips are geared toward the in diaper age range.

  • Always keep a spare fully stocked diaper bag in the car/trunk and include: extra clothes, wipes, diapers (obviously), spare food & drinks, washcloth, small first aid kit, a few toys or books, and plastic bags - in case you need to pack away the soiled don't want your diaper bag to smell bad, trust me!
  • If you ever need to give a young child medicine that tastes bad, retail stores sell a product called a Medibottle or Medicine Cup which have a bottle nipple and then a little cup that you can put the medicine in. It's much, much easier and you won't have your baby spit out iron drops which will stain your clothes for example.
  • For those of you that don't like to do laundry, buy your baby all of the same color and brand of socks. Particularly if you have more than one baby, this will save you the time and trouble of trying to find matching pairs of socks that are the size of an ipod.
Stick around for more tips in the coming weeks and share any of your tips!

Odd & Ends

Melange is a word that describes an assortment of things. Since I am a worker, mom, student, wife, and friend, I play an assortment of different roles in my life. My goal for this blog is to discuss topics that revolve around the central theme of motherhood and families:

Monday - Cooking (not because it's a "mom thing" but simply because I love to cook)
Tuesday - Tips and Tricks
Wednesday - Relationships
Thursday - Latest news
Friday - Finances

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